Missoula Public Library’s Downtown Flagship Library becomes the first US library to receive IFLA Green Library Grand Scale Project Award

“The Missoula Public Library exemplifies sustainability through its innovative programming and green practices. It has taken an innovative approach to housing third party organizations focused on family development, STEM education, and media literacy.”

The International Federation of Library Organizations and Institutions (IFLA), through its Environment Sustainability and Libraries Special Interest Group (ENSULIB), has honored Missoula Public Library’s Downtown Flagship Library with the 2024 IFLA Green Library Grand Scale Project Award. Sponsored by De Gruyter Publishing, the award program recognizes libraries and library projects that best communicate their commitment to environmental sustainability. Now in its ninth year, the program creates awareness of libraries’ social responsibility and leadership in environmental education.

Designed by MSR Design with local Montana firm A&E Design, Missoula Public Library’s Downtown Flagship Library houses four other organizations to create a cultural hub for gathering, interacting, and innovating. In recognition of the project, IFLA states, “The Missoula Public Library exemplifies sustainability through its innovative programming and green practices. It has taken an innovative approach to housing third party organizations focused on family development, STEM education, and media literacy.” IFLA continues, “The new building follows green principles and includes Indigenous art. Its design maximizes natural light, blending modern innovation with ancient wisdom.”

“This award is a testament to Missoula Public Library’s deep commitment to sustainability in the design of the library’s new flagship building and through its operations and programming,” says Traci Engel Lesneski, MSR Design CEO and principal in charge of the project.

Missoula Public Library director Slaven Lee notes, “With the support of MSR Design and A&E Design, we’ve created a space that not only conserves energy and resources, but also fosters resilience through shared learning, collaboration, and access to resources.”

Missoula Public Library Foundation executive director Karl Olson accepted the award at IFLA’s Culture, Knowledge, and Community Conference in Barcelona. The first library in the US to receive the prestigious award, Missoula Public Library was also named the IFLA/Systematic Public Library of the Year in 2022.



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