MSR Design will host a mindful MATERIALS pop-up event on the theme of materials circularity

The Minneapolis mM pop-up event in MSR Design’s studio will focus on circularity. We invite you to join us in learning about the next steps on the road to building a common materials framework and why the industry is looking beyond single impact areas (e.g., carbon) to take a more holistic approach to materials sustainability.

If you are a manufacturer, architect, designer, contractor, end user/owner, educator, or anyone excited about envisioning a built environment that incorporates more sustainable materials, please join us for a mindful MATERIALS (mM) pop-up event in the MSR Design 510 Marquette studio on May 24th from 5 pm-8 pm CDT.

mindful MATERIALS Inc. (mM) is dedicated to reducing, and ultimately reversing, the embodied impacts of the built environment through intentional collective material choices. mM furthers its mission through a global cross-sector hub of collaborators, who convene regularly to share learning and drive better decision-making around an industry-aligned common materials framework for health, sustainability, and resilience.

Recent materials pledges have begun to align individual built environment stakeholder groups (from designers and contractors to manufacturers and owners) and inspire cross-functional collaboration to make sustainable materials the norm, not the exception. mM’s goal is to connect ideas, connect mindful materials with mindful practitioners, and connect the dots between intent and action related to materials.

The Minneapolis mM pop-up event in MSR Design’s studio will focus on circularity. We invite you to join us in learning about the next steps on the road to building a common materials framework and why the industry is looking beyond single impact areas (e.g., carbon) to take a more holistic approach to materials sustainability. Local materials leaders will explore efforts to dive deeper into the topic of circularity. Beyond recycled content and recyclability, what does circularity mean for built environment stakeholders seeking to reduce their impact on buildings and environmental cycles? What are they doing to address the need for closed-loop waste streams? How can circularity be woven into other materials pledges?

Panelists will include Simona Fischer, AIA, CPHC, an architect, sustainable materials expert, and associate with MSR Design; Pamela Francis, TRUE Advisor and VP of Schott Design + schottXchange; and Andrew Ellsworth, founder of zero-carbon commercial door company Doors Unhinged.



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